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The Day of the Anthem of the Hero City was celebrated in Sevastopol

The Day of the Anthem of the Hero City was celebrated in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The anthem of Sevastopol is known far beyond the borders of the Hero City. And, naturally, “Legendary Sevastopol” by composer Vano Muradeli and poet Pyotr Gradov is known by heart and sung by Sevastopol residents of all ages.

Sevastopol celebrates City Anthem Day. The date was approved by the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol in 2015, but for more than 60 years not a single event in the Hero City has been held without the composition “Legendary Sevastopol”. Now, more than ever, the anthem is a symbol of the unity and pride of Sevastopol residents, and its performance always fills the hearts of citizens with the spirit of patriotism and love for their hometown— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the director of the department of culture, Angela Sumakova.

The patriotic program “Anthem that unites!” was held at the Fishermen’s Palace of Culture for children.

A big festive concert took place on the stage of the Sevastopol Center for Culture and Arts, where the guest of honor was the founder and permanent leader of the Union of Creative Intelligentsia of Sevastopol, Honored Cultural Worker, Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea Yakov Masharsky. Yakov Markovich is a witness to a truly legendary event, namely the first performance of the song “Legendary Sevastopol”.

In 1954 I served in the Black Sea Fleet. In October, we received an order to perform a new song “Legendary Sevastopol” as part of a five-thousand-strong combined choir of sailors, residents and the song and dance ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet at a celebration dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. When we performed the song for the first time, the stadium literally exploded with applause. And when it sounded for the second time, all the spectators, without exception, began to sing the chorus along with the choir. It was such power, such strength! Such a feeling of unity of the whole city, our legendary Sevastopolsays the composer.

Creative groups of the Sevastopol Center for Culture and Arts performed for the guests, performing famous works: “Guys of Sevastopol Registration”, “Sevastopol Waltz” and others.

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The Korabel cultural complex also pleased residents today with its concert program. Guests saw choreographic performances, heard the sonorous voices of the artists, and attended the award ceremony of the Sevastopol folk dance ensemble for setting a Russian record in the category “Oldest production of an original choreographic composition.” We are talking about the production “The Treasured Stone”, which has been on stage at the Korabel cultural complex for 57 years. Stage director: Mikhail Mormyshev.

In the evening, the House of Fleet Officers opened its doors to Sevastopol residents. The concert ended with a joint performance of the anthem of Sevastopol, which, just like 69 years ago, fills our hearts with pride for our city and its heroic history.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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