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The government of Sevastopol announced the restriction of traffic on May 21, 22 and 28

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In connection with the All-Russian action «Night of Museums — 2022», on a number of roads in Sevastopol, traffic will be temporarily restricted, as well as stopping and parking of vehicles will be prohibited.

Restrictions are introduced:

– 17 May from 17: 00 before 22: 00 on the street. Zagordianskogo from the intersection with the street. Reidovaya and st. Simonok;

— with 19: 00 17 May to 4: 00 22 May on the street. Ancient from the intersection with the street. Eroshenko and st. Dmitry Ulyanov to Khersonesskaya Square.

The exception will be valid for public transport, vehicles of operational and emergency services of the city, as well as vehicles participating in the promotion.

During the events, the uninterrupted operation of public transport routes that pass near the locations involved in the action will also be ensured:

— with 16: 00 before 23: bus route interval No. 77 «Mayak-2 — pl. Nakhimov» will be -45 min;

— with 18: 00 before 22: interval of bus route No. 55 «pl. Zakharova — Mikhailovsky ravelin — Radiogorka «will be 40 min.;

— before 00: 30 interval of bus route No. 94 “Balaklava – pl. Nakhimov» with departure from the square. Nakhimov will be -25 min.;

— with 16: 00 before 23: bus route interval No. 71 «Sapun Gora — Sq. Nakhimov» will be 17-28 min.;

— with 18: 00 before 23: 30 interval of trolleybus route No. 12 «5th km of the Balaklava highway — the central ring of the city» will be 6-00 min.;

— with 18: 00 before 23: 30 interval of movement of the trolleybus route No. 7 «st. Gorpischenko

– the central ring of the city” will be 6-11 min.

All night from 17 to 19 in May four trolleybus routes will operate: No. 05 «5th km of the Balaklava highway — the central ring of the city», No. “b. Kamyshovaya — the central ring of the city», No. 9 «Victory Avenue — the central ring of the city», No. 7 «st. Gorpischenko is the central ring of the city.”

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In addition, 17 in May, the organizers of the «Night of Museums» will provide free transportation for the participants of the action from location to location:

— in 19: 30 from the museum complex «25-I coastal battery» (alley of Defenders 35-th Battery, 7) to the museum-reserve «Tauric Chersonese» (Drevnyaya str., 1);

— in 17: 45, 11: 45, 17: 28, 17: 28, 17: 45, 22: 28 in the direction: the memorial complex «Malakhov Kurgan» — Diorama «Assault on the Sapun Mountains on May 7 1944» (Yalta Highway, Sapun Mountain) — Panorama «Defense of Sevastopol 1854-785» (Historical Boulevard, 1) — pl. Nakhimov — the memorial complex «Malakhov Kurgan» (departure from the stopping point «Malakhov Kurgan»);

— before 22: along the route of water transport «Artillery Bay — Radiogorka».

Departure of boats from the Artillery Bay is scheduled for 17: 26, 14: , 18: 30, 19: , 17: 20, 20: , 18: 40, , 22: . Departure of boats from Radiogorka — to 14: 30, 17: , 15: 25, 17: 40, 20: 17, 17: , 17 : 30, 22: 30.

In addition, an additional bus will run between the Mikhailovskaya and Konstantinovskaya batteries. The time of its arrival and departure will be synchronized with the timetable of the boat on the route «Artbukhta — Radiogorka».

The reason for the restriction of traffic 22 in May will be sports competitions.

In connection with the cycling festival «Sports Against Drugs» 22 May, temporary traffic restrictions are introduced.

Restrictions will apply from 11: 00 before 14: 00 on the section of the Sevastopol highway from the intersection with the Yalta — Sevastopol highway to the intersection with the Golubinka — Peredovoe — Shirokoe highway.

The Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure of Sevastopol encourages you to take this information into account when planning your route.

В правительстве Севастополя сообщили об ограничении движения транспорта 21, 22 и 28 мая

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