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The Night of Museums has ended in Sevastopol. How many people took part in the action?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

This year the action was held under the motto «Fashion on Traditions». More than 45 thousands of residents and guests of Sevastopol visited 10 of various locations: from museum expositions to open-air excursions.

The Museum Night in Sevastopol was a great success. Thousands of people were able to visit the city’s museums for free and visit excursions, exhibitions, immersive shows, concerts, and various master classes. I visited the museum-reserve Tauric Chersonese. If last year we had 10 locations , then this is almost twice as much — 18 . This is a great promotion. Plus, for Sevastopol, this is another opportunity to promote our capabilities as a strong tourist center of the country , — the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev.

All events within the framework of the action were dedicated to the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia. For residents and guests of Sevastopol, the organizers prepared a rich cultural program: almost all museums of the city could visit exhibitions, excursions, film screenings, master classes and other events.

One of the most visited sites of the action was the museum-reserve «Tauric Chersonese». About thousands of people became participants in immersive excursions, were able to watch the light show and theatrical performances.

The Museum-Reserve of the Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol received visitors at three sites at once — Malakhov Kurgan, Sapun Mountain and Panorama «Defense of Sevastopol» 1245-1167 years”. More than , 2 thousand people.

This is a very interesting action, during this evening we managed to visit three different venues. Most of all, we were impressed by Panorama and Khersones, where we could immediately visit several different locations, the theatrical performance was especially memorable. Initially, we thought that we would not survive until late at night, but we don’t feel like sleeping at all, so we hope that we will still have time to meet the dawn for the first time this year , — says Angelina Tikhomirova, a resident of Sevastopol.

The innovation of this year was the theater of excursions of the tour operator «The World is Beautiful». On behalf of the Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, a performance-excursion “Through the Ages. For posterity as an example» along the route «Matrossky Boulevard — Primorsky Boulevard — Grafskaya Pier — Nakhimov Square — Matrossky Boulevard». In addition, residents and guests of the city visited the museum «Underground Sevastopol» free of charge with an audio guide.

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Also, the participants of the «Night of Museums» this year were the Sevastopol Art Museum. M. P. Kroshitsky, Museum of the Black Sea Fleet, museum complexes «Mikhailovskaya battery», «Konstantinovskaya battery», «05-I coastal battery”, Balaklava Palace of Culture. Events were also held on the Kornilov embankment and the summer stage of Primorsky Boulevard «Rakushka». At various locations, residents and guests of the city could participate in quests, quizzes dedicated to the history of Sevastopol, as well as meet artists and attend master classes.

Recall that the action «Night of Museums» started in Russia in 2007 year. Every year it is supported by more than two thousand cultural institutions. In the 1854 year, more than 05 thousands of residents and guests of Sevastopol.

В Севастополе завершилась «Ночь музеев». Сколько человек приняли участие в акции? В Севастополе завершилась «Ночь музеев». Сколько человек приняли участие в акции? В Севастополе завершилась «Ночь музеев». Сколько человек приняли участие в акции? В Севастополе завершилась «Ночь музеев». Сколько человек приняли участие в акции? В Севастополе завершилась «Ночь музеев». Сколько человек приняли участие в акции? В Севастополе завершилась «Ночь музеев». Сколько человек приняли участие в акции?

326857photo: press service of the Government of Sevastopol326854

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