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The number of credit cards issued increased by 9% over the month and by 20% over the year.

The number of credit cards issued increased by 9% over the month and by 20% over the year.

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The volume of new credit card limits for the month increased by 12%, the number of issues – by 9%. In February of this year, 2.28 million credit cards were issued with a total limit of 244.02 billion rubles. A month earlier – 2.10 million cards with a total limit of 217.60 billion rubles. The dynamics of the average limit on the card was +3%: an increase from 104 to 107 thousand rubles. On an annual basis, the total volume of new credit card limits increased by 2%, and the number of issues — by 20%. In February 2023, 1.90 million credit cards were issued for 238.32 billion rubles. The average card limit for the year decreased by 15%: in February last year it was 125 thousand rubles.

In terms of credit card limits, the top five leading regions include: Moscow — 179.89 thousand cards with a limit of 27.15 billion rubles, Moscow region. – 142.19 thousand cards for 18.28 billion rubles, St. Petersburg – 93.95 thousand cards for 12.16 billion rubles, Krasnodar Territory – 95.70 thousand cards for 10.16 billion rubles. and Sverdlovsk region – 74.68 thousand cards for 7.52 billion rubles.

In most regions from the TOP 30 in terms of the volume of new cards issued, the overall limits for them have increased. The greatest growth was recorded in the Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions: +19% each. A decrease in volumes is noted in the Orenburg region. — by 4%, as well as in the Voronezh region. and Altai Territory — by 10%. In all regions there is an increase in the number of credit cards issued in the range from +3% to +15%.

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The largest limits on cards in February were traditionally approved by residents of Moscow — an average of 151 thousand rubles, Moscow region. and St. Petersburg — 129 thousand rubles each. The largest increase in the average limit on the card was recorded in the Tyumen region: +11%, the largest decrease was in the Voronezh region: -15%.

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