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The Public Chamber of Crimea files a lawsuit against the energy blockade

The Public Chamber of Crimea files a lawsuit against the energy blockade

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On March 29, the Public Chamber of the Republic of Crimea will file a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of the region to recognize the right of Crimeans to compensation for moral damage as a result of the energy blockade, they reported TASS in the ward.

The Public Chamber of the Republic of Crimea asks the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea to recognize the violation of the right of Russian citizens living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea to life and health as a result of the “energy blockade” of the Republic of Crimea, and also to recognize their right to compensation for moral damage. The filing of the claim will take place on March 29the message says.

The chamber clarified that the defendants will be the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the private joint-stock company National Energy Company Ukrenergo.

Authorities of the Republic of Crimea filed claim about the energy blockade in the Arbitration Court of Crimea on March 4. The volume of Crimea’s claims against Ukraine in this lawsuit amounts to more than 3.15 trillion rubles. The defendants are the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the national energy company Ukrenergo. According to the Chairman of the State Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, it is planned to involve the Crimean ministries of fuel and energy, healthcare, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea “Krymenergo” as third parties in the process.

REFERENCE: Ukraine in May 2014, after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, unilaterally cut off water from the Kherson region via the North Crimean Canal, which provided up to 90% of the peninsula’s needs. In addition, in November 2015, electricity supplies to the peninsula were completely stopped. A state of emergency was in effect in the region until May 2016, and rolling consumer blackouts were applied. Kiev also cut off food supplies, banks stopped working, and transport links with the peninsula were disrupted. The situation improved with the launch of an energy bridge from Kuban across the Kerch Strait with a capacity of 400 MW. Then new networks were built, power units of the Balaklava Thermal Power Plant in Sevastopol and the Tavricheskaya Thermal Power Plant in Simferopol were launched.

source: TASS

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