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The republican stage of the All-Russian competition “Pedagogical Debut” took place in Crimea

The republican stage of the All-Russian competition “Pedagogical Debut” took place in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The best young teachers of Crimea have been named.

The republican stage of the All-Russian competition “Pedagogical Debut” took place, which plays an important role in the development of education, self-realization and support of the new generation of teachers, managers and mentors.

Young teachers from all over the Republic of Crimea came to the competition and showed their professional skills and talent in the categories: “Young Teachers”, “Young Teacher-Psychologists”, “Young Additional Education Teachers”, “Young Teachers of Preschool Educational Organizations”, “Young class teachers», «Young managers», «Teacher-mentor»reports the press service of the Republican Ministry of Education.

Over the course of three competitive days, teachers presented their methodological ideas and developments at the Zvyozdochka kindergarten and Saki Secondary School No. 1.

The winners of the regional stage were:

in the “Young Teachers” category:

– Gnatyuk Diana Robertovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 14”, Evpatoria;

in the category “Young educational psychologists”:

– Prin Tatyana Vasilievna, educational psychologist, MBDOU “Nursery-garden “Vitosha”, Chernomorsky district;

in the category “Young teachers of additional education”:

– Gubar Roman Petrovich, additional education teacher at the Children’s Creativity Center, Alushta;

in the nomination “Young teachers of preschool educational organizations”:

– Tatyana Valentinovna Agarkova, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten”
No. 6 “Lavrik”, Yalta;

in the “Teacher-Mentor” category:

– Olga Vyacheslavovna Dorosheva, teacher-defectologist, Yalta Special (Correctional) School, Yalta;

in the category “Young Class Teachers”:

– Alina Gennadievna Beshimova, English language teacher, Zhuravlyovskaya School, Simferopol district;

in the “Young Managers” category:

– Minaev Konstantin Dmitrievich, director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 14”, Evpatoria.

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