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The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed

The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Visitors to the Sudak Fortress Museum-Reserve witnessed the filming of the documentary film “The Rus” with elements of feature films, which was produced by the Good Wine Pictures company commissioned by the television and radio company Rossiya 1.

The director of the film is Vladimir Kilburg, whose credits include the films “Operation Throne”, “Forced March: The Hunt for the Hunter”, “The Husband of a Happy Woman”, “Mother Heart” and others. The film “Rus” is intended to convey knowledge about the origin of the national name, about the origins of the formation of the Russian nation and the Russian state. During the filming process, several locations were involved: the Barbican, the Consular Castle, and the Corner Tower. Movie characters in historical costumes from the time of Queen Theodora, warriors, Byzantine citizens, traders, donkey drivers, and captives walked around the fortress. The film crew practiced location shooting, — reported the press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.

The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed The Sudak fortress turned into a film set: the documentary film “Russ” was filmed

It should be noted that the Sudak fortress always attracts filmmakers who see in it a living setting for historical films (“Ships storm the bastions”, “Gadfly”, “Primordial Russia”, “Year of the Dragon”, “Vasily Buslaev”, “Socrates”), fairy tales (“The Rings of Almanzor”, “Wild Swans”), thrillers (The Illusion of Fear), feature films (“The Master and Margarita”, “Othello”), sometimes the fortress played itself (“Umbrella for Lovers”, “I Have there is a lion», «Photo of my girlfriend»). Great directors filmed here and outstanding actors played here.

source: press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea; photographic materials — Museum-reserve «Sudak Fortress»

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