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The winner of the International Music Festival «Road to Yalta» was awarded a certificate for a vacation in the Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At the State Kremlin Palace, at the Gala Concert, the results of the 5th International Music Festival of Frontline Song «The Road to Yalta», which was held in Moscow from April 29 to May 2, were summed up.

The winner of the International Music Festival

Participants from 15 countries sang Soviet songs about the Great Patriotic War in their native languages. The winners were determined by the jury, which included Honored Artists of the Russian Federation Denis Maidanov, Kai Metov, Zara, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy, Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Vadim Volchenko, President of the National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» Mikhail Kovalchuk. The jury for the fifth time was headed by People’s Artist of the RSFSR Lev Leshchenko.

The winner of the International Music Festival

One of the winners of the competition, the Greek singer Ioannis Kofopoulos, who sang the song «Three Tankers», was personally awarded a special prize from the government of Crimea — a certificate for a week’s stay in one of the best resort hotels in the historical center of Yalta, in a room overlooking the Black Sea.

I have an important mission — to convey to the participants of the festival the whole aroma of the flowering of spring Yalta, all the sun of Crimea and the warmth of the Crimeans. We must pay tribute to the professional music editing of the festival. Performers, voices, songs are combined very well, unconditionally, even though they are sung in Greek, Mongolian, Chinese, English. And yet, we miss you! It’s good that the festival has such a huge audience and the most honorable venue in Moscow, but still, I’m sure that in the near future we will hold it in our native Yalta— said Vadim Volchenko.

The winner of the International Music Festival

Competition winners:

1st Prize: Raymord Pardamean (Indonesia) with the song «Let’s bow to those great years.»

2nd Prize: Tino Eisbrenner (Germany) with the song «Cranes».

3rd Prize: Zayaat Batzengeliin (Mongolia) with the song «Oh, roads» and Yvonne Sauramba (Zimbawbe) with the song «Cossacks in Berlin».

Audience Award: duet of Cassandra De Rosa and Simone Romano (Italy) with the song «Song of the Front Driver».

The winner of the International Music Festival

Special Prizes:

Yao Ding (China) with the song «Let’s smoke!».

Hargun Kaur (India) with the song «Tanks rumbled on the field.»

Litall Kricheli (Israel) with the song «Muscovites».

Ioannis Kofopoulos (Greece) with the song «Three Tankmen».

Special prize from the general sponsor «EuroTransStroy»: Zeliha Kendirci (Turkey) with the song «Someone went down the hill.»

The winner of the International Music Festival

Festival «Road to Yalta» has been running since 2019. The first three times it was held in the resort capital of Crimea, and in 2022 it was held for the first time in Moscow. During this time, 46 foreign performers performed on the festival stages, the organizing committee received more than 900 applications from vocalists from 60 countries, and tens of millions of viewers around the world watched television versions and online broadcasts of the concerts. The author of the project is a well-known journalist, author of the documentary film “Crimea. The way to the motherland» Andrey Kondrashov.

Festival organizer: The Humanitarian World Foundation, which implements major socially significant projects. The event is held with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Crimea, VGTRK. General partner of the festival: EuroTransStroy LLC.

The winner of the International Music Festival

The premiere of the broadcast version of the gala concert will take place on the eve of Victory Day, on May 8, at 19:45 on the Kultura TV channel.

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