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“There are no other people’s children” — people in Sevastopol know this for sure

“There are no other people’s children” — people in Sevastopol know this for sure

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The festive event “There are no other people’s children” in honor of the families of guardians, trustees and adoptive parents took place at the Sevastopol Center for Culture and Art. The tradition of congratulating families of guardians originated in Sevastopol a long time ago and is dedicated to Adoptive Parents Day, which is celebrated in October. Sevastopol families were congratulated by Deputy Governor Igor Mikheev and Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol Vladimir Nemtsev.

Such a difficult topic requires strength, energy and, most importantly, a sincere desire to raise a happy person. It is joyful to see the smiles on the faces of children; they have found a home, parental warmth and family happiness. Stories of foster families confirm that there are no other people’s children! — the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Igor Mikheev.

The families were awarded letters of gratitude from the governor of Sevastopol, the Legislative Assembly, and the Commissioner for Children’s Rights.

In Sevastopol, there are 937 children registered as orphans and children left without parental care, of which 479 children are under the guardianship of citizens, 154 children are being raised in foster families. Today we honor and say words of gratitude to the adoptive families of our city. These are 78 families where 154 children found a home and confidence in the future, the warmth of their parents’ hearts, the tenderness of their mother’s hands, affection, care and most importantly – family happinesssays the head of the guardianship and trusteeship department, Marina Shemyatina.

“There are no other people’s children” - people in Sevastopol know this for sure “There are no other people’s children” - people in Sevastopol know this for sure “There are no other people’s children” - people in Sevastopol know this for sure

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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