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New equipment in the ophthalmology department of the City Hospital No. 1 in Sevastopol: 50 operations have already been performed

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Now, operations are available in Sevastopol for patients with retinal detachment and diabetic eye lesions. They began to be carried out in the ophthalmology department of city hospital No. 1 due to the purchase of new equipment.

Last year, the ophthalmology department was equipped with new equipment, in particular, an operating microscope, combined surgical equipment, which allows us to perform surgical treatment of various pathologies of the eyeball , — the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the head Department of Ophthalmology of City Hospital No. 1, chief freelance ophthalmologist of the Department of Health Mikhail Egorov.

The department’s patients receive daily high-tech medical care with a minimal risk of complications.

Новое оборудование в отделении офтальмологии горбольницы №1 в Севастополе: проведено уже 50 операций Новое оборудование в отделении офтальмологии горбольницы №1 в Севастополе: проведено уже 50 операций Новое оборудование в отделении офтальмологии горбольницы №1 в Севастополе: проведено уже 50 операций Новое оборудование в отделении офтальмологии горбольницы №1 в Севастополе: проведено уже 50 операций

The material and technical base is regularly updated in the department, according to the standards we are already quite well equipped. We receive new equipment almost every year, which allows us to improve the quality of medical care for our patients. We now do most of the operations on pathologies of the posterior segment of the apple in Sevastopol , — says Mikhail Egorov.

There are plans to equip the ophthalmology department with several more devices and start treating myopia and hyperopia using excimer laser correction.

We will work on the issue of purchasing an optical biometer, it will help us calculate the lenses in more detail and perform operations not only to replace the lens, but also more complex ones , — notes the head of the ophthalmology department.

As a reminder, since the beginning of this year, more than 09 operations of various types have already been carried out on the new equipment.

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325473photo: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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