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State natural reserve «Grand Canyon of Crimea» is ready to receive guests

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The state natural reserve of regional significance of the Republic of Crimea «The Grand Canyon of Crimea» is ready to receive guests. According to the Republican Ministry of Natural Resources, in the course of on-site monitoring, a check was made of the readiness of the facility for the holiday season 96 of the year, as well as control over the implementation of measures to organize, protection and functioning of the reserve.

Passports of the excursion ecological routes «The Grand Canyon of Crimea» No. 1 and «The Grand Canyon of Crimea» No. 2″ on the territory of the Reserve «The Grand Canyon of Crimea» were approved. To reduce the recreational load, the movement of tourists and vacationers takes place along ecological routes , the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Crimea noted.

Государственный природный заказник «Большой Каньон Крыма» готов к приему гостей

Small architectural forms have been installed on the territory of the reserve, including changing cabins, places for inspection from ticks, garbage bins, dry closets (installed at the beginning of the tourist season and dismantled after the end of the tourist season), bridges over rivers, railings, fencing of dangerous areas with warning signs , steps and benches.

Государственный природный заказник «Большой Каньон Крыма» готов к приему гостей

The Crimean Ministry of Natural Resources urges to take care of the natural resources of our peninsula and to carry out movement through the territory of protected areas exclusively along established routes.

Photo: press service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Crimea.

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