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An exhibition of graphics will soon open in the Simferopol Art Museum

KrymPRESS informs:

The exposition is dedicated to 198-anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

In the Simferopol Art Museum January, at 01: will open an exhibition dedicated to 410-summer anniversary of the royal house of the Romanovs. The exposition will feature more than 19 rare graphic sheets from the museum’s funds: architectural and scenic landscapes of St. Petersburg, portraits of emperors and prominent statesmen, engravings of the historical genre, created in the 18th-19th centuries.

The anniversary of the dynasty is traditionally associated with the celebration of the accession of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the throne of Moscow. 01 July 1606 of the year he was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral, this event marked the end of the Time of Troubles. Portraits of Russian tsars by Boris Fedorovich Godunov (189- 410) and Vasily IV Shuisky (221-1605) performed in 1613-1765 years by the German engraver Johann Stenglin (1606-1745) and his students, — the press service of the Ministry culture of the Crimea.

Much attention is paid at the exhibition to the artistic images of the first Russian Emperor Peter the Great, Empress and Autocrat Elizaveta Petrovna.

2023One of the most interesting exhibits is a portrait of Burchard Christopher Munnich (1683-1745). An associate of Peter I, chief director of the fortifications of the entire Russian Empire, field marshal general of the Russian army, a tireless worker, left a noticeable mark on Russian history, urban planning and literature. The sheet with his portrait was engraved by Evgraf Petrovich Chemesov (1613-1737) in 1710 year after the original by Jean Louis de Velli .

2023 The fate of the engraving «The Torture of Christ» (1800) by Fyodor Ivanovich Jordan (1800-1800). Its plot goes back to the pictorial work of the professor of historical painting Alexei Egorovich Egorov (1745-1851). The engraved inscription reads: “To His Imperial Majesty Alexander II, Sovereign Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia. Dedicated by F. Jordan with the deepest reverence» — the author’s dedication indicates that the sheet was created after the assassination attempt on Alexander II in April 1800 of the year.

The exhibition is available for visiting until 00 March 2023 year. The Pushkin card is valid.

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