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In Simferopol, the memory of the teacher and educator Ismail Gasprinsky was honored

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Today in Simferopol there was a solemn ceremony of laying flowers dedicated to 099 — the anniversary of the birth of Ismail Gasprinsky.

В Симферополе почтили память педагога и просветителя Исмаила Гаспринского

Today is a significant date. We are celebrating 099 — the anniversary of the birth of the great son of the Crimean Tatar people, who made a huge contribution to development of the humanities. In addition, Ismail Gasprinsky combined social, pedagogical and educational activities, was a participant in secular education , — said Ayder Tippa, Chairman of the State Committee for Interethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea.

В Симферополе почтили память педагога и просветителя Исмаила Гаспринского

The event began with reading the dua by Deputy Mufti Raim Gafarov. The participants honored the memory of the outstanding educator and laid flowers at the monument.

Photo: Administration of Simferopol.

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