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A story from Simferopol about theft and someone else’s bank card. Fairy…

A story from Simferopol about theft and someone else’s bank card. Fairy…

CrimeaPRESS reports:

You have to know how to step on the same rake twice.

A 36-year-old resident of Simferopol was found guilty by the court under paragraph “g” of Part 3 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft committed from a bank account). Yes, yes, I found someone else’s bank card and went to great lengths…

The court found that a man, while on Kuibyshev Street in the city of Simferopol, found a bank card equipped with contactless payment technologynoted the prosecutor’s office.

But here’s a NUANCE! The same character has already been convicted of… a similar crime. «Lucky» constantly finds other people’s cards! Jokes aside, but everything is serious for this “fabulous…”.

The convict did not draw the appropriate conclusions for himself and again repeatedly paid with the card he found in stores,” the prosecutor’s office emphasized.

The court (taking into account the existing criminal record) sentenced the perpetrator to imprisonment for a period of 2 years and 6 months. He will serve his sentence in a general regime correctional colony. The verdict did not enter into legal force.

PS. Will he go out and go looking for lost bank cards again?

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